Almost there! (Plus Canadian Deal!)

Happy February! Hope everyone had a great Family Day, Valentines, and/or Presidents' Day! Special congratulations to our guitarist, Andrew and his lovely new wife, Dawn-Marie! Happy Days in the JPJQ family!
Happy news for the band, too! The Photos are being Photoshopped, the mixing is done, the mastering has begun, the album art is being designed, the licensing applications are completed and the last of them will be filed this week, our manufacturing is ready to roll, and all the assorted numbers and codes have been assigned. Now we just have to get everthing in one place at one time, and we'll have a record, ready to release (fingers crossed) on time!
We're still raising money to promote and tour to support the album, and you can help by pre-purchasing your copy on Indiegogo!
*And we haven't forgotten about our awesome Canadian fans, who are getting kicked in the butt by the US exchange rate. So contact us, Canadian friends, for a special "Secret Perk" link that should help you help us!