Happy Birthday to Me! (and I Want Love)

April Is My Favorite!
Blossoms on the trees, the occasional day of beautiful sunshine (even here in the Northwest) that reaffirms your faith in the world, and the birthdays of a significant number of my favorite people!
My dad, my brother, my mother-in-law, several cousins, my husband and I all have birthdays in April, and since I like shopping for and giving birthday presents almost as much as I like receiving them, it's no surprise that April is a pretty fantastic time in my world!
Presents For You!
This April afternoon, as I look out my window at a sunny, flowery day, I remember that last year at this time, we were arranging for delivery of JPJQ's album, I Want Love.
The album was "released" digitally on Apr 26 of last year, and we had our first CD release party last May 4th. So, as I mentioned last month, we're doing a spring special on the website to celebrate the anniver-sary/birthday! If you buy I Want Love, either in digital or CD format, on our website (or at one of our shows) in April or May, you will get a 50% discount! Who can beat that? Nobody, that's who!
Presents For Us!
Even last month, I was bursting at the seams with excitement that we'd gotten a fantastic new booking in the actual City Of Portland! (Not that we don't love playing all over the place - I love Eugene, and Ashland, and Bend, and Vancouver (either in BC or in WA!) Our audiences are amazing and I'm always up for a road trip!) But getting offered a gig at The Secret Society was quite a coup for us, and in the immortal words of the Beach Boys, we "couldn't wait for June!" And now we don't have to!
Yesterday, on the way to rehearsal, we got an email from the booker at Secret Society asking if we could fill a cancellation at the club in just over a week... and of course we were thrilled to say "YES!" I can't imagine a better birthday present than getting to play with this wonderful ensemble in front of a hometown crowd! It's an early (happy hour) show and tickets are only $6... come down, raise a glass to the birthday folks (Apr 29 is between Adam's and my birthday, so two toasts should do it!) and dance the week's blues away!
Vintage Jazz and Vintages....
May the Fourth Be With Us (Again)
Hmmm... How about every 4th of May, some version of JPJQ gets together and plays at a great wine bar? Sounds great to me! This time, it's even free admission!
This year's Jedi adventure brings us back to Territorial Vineyards Wine Room in Eugene. I for one can't wait for another glass of their delicious Pinot Noir!
In our trio incarnation this time around, I'll be out front with Adam on bass, and superhero Timothy VanCleave on vibes for a change. The man is amazingly talented (I've mentioned here about how he saved us at a previous gig) and if you haven't had a chance to see him on vibes yet, you should!
More to Come!
Stay tuned for more information about our busy and exciting spring and summer, don't forget to get your copy of I Want Love, come and say hi either in person at one of our upcoming gigs, or drop us a line or a message through the website or on our Facebook Page! You can also follow us on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube!